This post is for brothers to provide their feedback and input on the rewrite of the chapter bylaws. Here you will find the time line to complete the project; definitions, time line to complete the project, starter set of articles to be included in the bylaws and starter set of statutes to be included in the bylaws.
Brothers, your participation and input is vital to this effort. This is a major undertaking. Unless otherwise noted, this is the official method for providing your feedback.
- Bylaws – The written rules that control the internal affairs of an organization. Bylaws generally define things like the group’s official name, purpose, requirements for membership, officers’ titles and responsibilities, how offices are to be assigned, how meetings should be conducted, and how often meetings will be held.
- Articles – The chapter official documents for organizing, governing and operating
- Statutes – The written rule governing the operation of the chapter.
Time Line
11/21/20 – 11/21/20 Complete • Select Committee members • Committee members Polemarch
• 3 chapter officers; not to include the Polemarch
• 2 Brothers from the floor
• Chapter Polemarch is a standing member with voting privileges
11/21/20 – 12/5/20 Complete Socialize initial list of articles and statutes for the bylaws• Email initial list of articles and statutes Committee Chair
12/5/20 – 1/2/21 Complete Brothers review starter articles and statutes Brothers have an opportunity to review starter list and offer feedback and suggestions on articles and statutes to include in the bylaws. Chapter Brothers provide their feedback of starter set and suggestions of other articles and statutes
1/4/21 – 1/23/21 Complete Write 1st draft of constitution • Provide 1st draft to executive board
- Provide Brothers feedback on suggestions submitted to be included in the bylaws• Provide feedback for suggestions excluded from the bylaws(the why)
1/25/21 – 2/13/21 Complete Write 2nd draft of bylaws
- Provide status update at 2/20 Chapter meeting
- Provide online version of 2nd draft for review by the brothers.
2/15/21 – 3/6/21 Complete Provide 2nd draft for review by the Brothers
- Brothers have 2 weeks to review 2nd draft prior to March Chapter meeting and vote to adopt chapter bylaws
3/7/21 – 3/20/21 • Complete Publish final draft of chapter bylaws.
This Post Has 9 Comments
Brothers just post your comments and feedback here and click post. If you have ideas about articles or statutes to include in the rewrite post them here. Brothers you can also respond to other comments left by brothers.
Have a question, post it here.
Have a comment, post it here.
Have an idea, post it here.
Brothers I’m ahead of schedule. I have the first draft available. I will post the first draft for review and feedback.
Suggestion for bylaws: Include a statute to provide guidelines when brothers have major life events such as births, major milestones, graduations, and the passing of an immediate family member. Some consideration should also be given how far down the family tree should the statute go. For example should it include an aunt, cousin, grandparent, etc. Thoughts?
Brother Mack,
Suggest we keep the by-laws more non-personal in nature. I do believe we should address immediate life altering events relating to Mother, Father, wife and child. There were previous concerns with live in children not fathered by the Brother and adopted children. As to other celebrations or life altering events we should probably not address them in the by-laws specifically. Thereby allowing the Polemarch flexibility during their particular administration.
Agreed. The wording and phrases used in the bylaws, for this topic – “life events”, can be written in a way to describe guidelines the chapter may want to follow in these circumstances and at the same time leave room for flexibility.
I am in and will provide feedback
Just to make sure we have covered certain details.
1) Local chapter dues structure and senior discounts
2) Payment date of provincial dues
3) Received checks deposit made within 72 hours
4) Scholarship disbursements
Brother I think Article XyX should abe
Brother great suggestion.
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